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What is the worst that can happen?

Helena Chan Helena Chan

The Bravest thing you can ever do is ask for Help

The Bravest thing you can ever do is ask for Help

It takes courage to identify a negative emotion and to say, I am overwhelmed, but I am not giving up. This is something I do not know how to overcome on my own. I need help.

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Helena Chan Helena Chan

Learning how to meditate 5 minutes at a time

The benefits of meditation for me have been: clarity, awareness of my emotions, a space to pause before reacting to something without thinking, reconnecting to my intuition and trusting myself more; more moments of peace, joy and explosions of love. It sounds too good to be true, but they are what I have and continue to experience since dedicating a daily practice of meditation.

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Helena Chan Helena Chan

To freeze or not to freeze? (your eggs)

Changing my mind about freezing my eggs

If you were to ask me a year and a half ago, at the age of 37, if I wanted to freeze my eggs in case I decided to have kids, my answer was a resounding no. But now, I feel differently. I want to walk you through my thought process that led from a definite no to a very likely yes in that span of time.

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Helena Chan Helena Chan

How to recognise if you’re dating a narcissist

I was married to a covert narcissist and did not really realise the extent (or the impact) of the emotional manipulation until I had walked away from the relationship and had a bit of distance, (and luck) to put two and two together. I had moments of doubt/questions, months and perhaps even years in advance, but I chose to ignore the feelings, rationalise them away and convince myself that I was in love.

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Helena Chan Helena Chan

Swallow the elephant one bite at a time

I feel a deep sense of purpose, to share my story, experiences and “mistakes,” in the hopes that it brings light and wisdom to other people’s lives. It’s scary for various different reasons, but my coach said, swallow the elephant one bite at a time.

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Featured Helena Chan Featured Helena Chan

Decoding dating cues in digital age

Navigating dating not just in our modern world of apps and instant messaging, but a national pandemic, is challenging for even the most-seasoned explorer. I’m learning as I go: it’s like the blind leading the blind.

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Helena Chan Helena Chan

Dating at 38

Dating as a 38-year-old woman who would – correct-partner permitting – like to have children is an interesting situation to be in. Having come out of an 11-year relationship (two-year engagement; nine-year marriage), giving myself about a year and a half to heal, before being ready to let someone into my life again, has been an evolutionary journey.

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