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A space where I hope to share with you, inspire you and perhaps even nudge you towards a leap of faith.

My name is Helena Chan, and, like you and everyone else, there are many facets to me. I am a woman, with dreams, desires, fears and hopes. I am a daughter, sister, friend, jeweller, foodie, globetrotter, writer, designer, entrepreneur, spiritual seeker and yogi. I started this blog to share these facets with you, in the hope they may spark inspiration, interest or inform you – or maybe even succeed in doing all three. I am by no means perfect, but I am perfectly flawed, and that is what it means to be human. Through my own experiences I hope to give you that little nudge you may need to take that leap of faith, or to help you realize some things about yourself or your relationships by holding up a mirror.

My philosophy has always been to live life to the fullest, follow my passion and be true to myself. With that outlook, I have been fortunate to have lived in Brazil, Canada, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, and now the United Kingdom. I have had the honour to work for the United Nations and not for profit sector for a decade, before pursuing my other passion, jewellery.
Inspired by the idea that the biggest regrets in life are the things you didn’t have the guts to try, not the things you tried and failed at, in 2015 I took the plunge and changed my career to follow my passion for jewellery. I seized incredible opportunities, which saw me working for some of the world’s best: a top colored stone dealer, Christie’s auction house and celebrity jewellers. I then took the entrepreneurial road and started my own high-end jewellery business, HYC Jewels, and then started a fashion jewellery subscription start-up. I now do a bit of both, professional strategic consulting and bespoke jewellery.

In parallel to all this, I fell in love, got married and stayed in that relationship for eleven years. It is not until I walked away that I really had the space to realize it was an emotionally manipulative relationship that has had some deep impact on me. But it led me to the path of spirituality and over the past few years, I have evolved and grown so much. Through this blog, the different themes will allow you to explore the areas that resonate most with you.

How every decision is connected and brings us to where we end up. We wouldn’t be the person we are today without the learnings and experiences along the way. Without the tough things, we would not have the beauty that can emerge on the otherside.

I plan to share my path, my experiences (and lessons I gained from each) as well as my geeky knowledge – from gemology facts to doing my Master in Law (for fun!). Ultimately, this blog is a place to share love and light. Wisdom and mistakes. Because we are all human, and all humans are fallible. I hope it brings you joy, inspiration, or courage. I would love to hear from you, and know if the intention is reaching you, as well as finding out what else I can share and create to help you and us as a collective in this universe.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

Helena x