Fate and Destiny

In a Super Soul podcast, Oprah asks Paulo Coelho (book The Alchemist) what is the difference between Fate and Destiny. This how he answers: Fate is something that will happen. For instance, you will die. We will all die. This is fate. Destiny is the five options along the way that are presented. Destiny is how you choose to get there.

I loved that answer. In my mind, it connected with a thought I had the other day on life choices vs life accomplishments and Viktor Frankl’s wisdom on the meaning of life. Life choices are the “easier” things; choosing to get married, to have children. Life accomplishments are actually doing the hard work of sticking to it, to build something. Let someone be completely dependent on you and take that responsibility seriously and do it with authenticity. Building that company or vision when people around you say it’s crazy or will never happen.

In the classic romantic comedy movies, two people are “fated” to meet. Or we sometimes hear of these gifted children who can play the piano professionally from the age of five. That is fate, it was going to happen. But how we choose to use that gift, or whether we take that chance meeting with someone whose path we cross, and develop it into a deep friendship or relationship, that is destiny and that is up to us.

We know we will all die. But should we choose to wake up before we die, and live life being conscious, that is the destiny we choose. The path we choose. The people whom we surround ourselves with, commit to. The careers, jobs and things we build with our energy, those are choices of destiny. To face our fears and listen to that inner voice that knows what each of us was brought to this world to do. Each one of us has a different calling, skill and contribution to make.

So the question for you today is: how will you take the gifts and things that are going to happen in your life, and choose the paths to make the most of it, that feels most authentic to yourself? How will you choose to take the challenges, hurt and disappointment in this journey and allow them to help you evolve? How will you cherish the small and large; from hugs, to that dream home, your health, to finding your vocation? How will you choose your destiny as you move towards your fate?


Check list! Getting to know a new romantic partner


Life choices vs life accomplishments