All paths lead to Rome
Don’t come here so that Wu Hsin may
Prescribe a path for you.
Choose the path
Of your inclination,
Regardless of appearances
Or opinion.
All paths meet
At the One Path which goes beyond
All paths
--Aphorisms for Thirsty Fish
As the saying goes, there are to things guaranteed in life: Death and Taxes
We all have different paths in life, some are born more fortunate than others. We have different personalities, drives and inclinations. We may be rich, poor, kind, unkind and so forth. But we will all die one day. Generally speaking, the young ones don’t think much in terms of, what is the meaning of life. As people get older, especially in their twilight years, they start having more philosophical discussions with themselves and others.
I remember writing in my journal in my mid thirty’s: What is the meaning and purpose of life? Can we actually make a difference in the world? And if we did, does it actually make any lasting impact?
I was having a moment of true loss. I feel a strong desire to help make the world more positive, no matter how big or small. But I felt helpless at that moment. That even if I wanted to do something, would it matter?
The other day I read an article in the Washington Post that caught my eye. Titled: The moral calculations of a billionaire, it covers the thoughts of self-made billionaire Leon Cooperman. Admittedly, I have never heard of him until this article and the piece covers how he made his wealth in a capitalist market and has given away a lot of his wealth and continues to make money so he can give more away. I admired that both his and his wife are living a relatively modest life for people who have amassed such wealth.
Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I always see the positive in people and am the least cynical person in any room. Yet, at the end of that article, I had to ask myself: why was this article published? What was the purpose? I didn’t see a clear argument or point to be made, I did not feel warm and fuzzy towards either the story or the person. It felt like a PR piece and I actually felt myself cynical to the purpose of the piece!
But, it does beg the question, what is the meaning of life? All paths lead to the same ending so is the ultimate point How we lead that life while we are here? How we deal with the challenges that life throws our way? Does it matter how we conduct ourselves when no one is watching? Are we able to look ourselves in the mirror and be comfortable and happy with the person looking back? And regardless if the answer is yes or no, does it matter?
For me, the answer is yes. I do want to leave this world proud of the way I conducted my life, my actions and the choices that I made. I am ready to bear the consequences of those choices, no matter how hard. I wish to lead my life in doing the things I think are “right.” I put that in parentheses because right and wrong can be relative and this can lead do a deep philosophical discussion that I would rather have with you in person. —Message me and let’s get that in the calendar :)
I do know I am leading my life with the values I hold close to my heart and I vote with my actions each moment in a way that I feel comfortable with. If I die in the next instant, I will have no regrets (bar small ones like I wish I had called mom and dad yesterday or given Chloe one more kiss on her head. Sent my sister a corny text telling her how much I value her.).
So, what is the purpose of this blog today? It’s to ask you:
All paths lead to the same destination. Are you happy with how you are walking along this trail? Is your journey one filled with being present, living with joy, love, pride and light? Are you proud of the route you are picking? Are you willing to face the consequences of your actions? Are you willing to do the hard things?
Can you say that in this hike of life, you are facing your fears, sweating through but making it up that steep hill and taking a deep breath of beautiful air when you get to the top of that hill? Are you taking a moment to pat yourself on the back and enjoy the view? Then taking the next steps to continue on this hike and ready for the next set of muddy areas that your feet may get stuck in? Are you living your life authentically and to the fullest? We don’t need to know the answer, only you do in your heart. And to remember that all paths lead to the same One Path in the end.