Emotional wealth
We often think of wealth in material terms such as money or possessions. There is also wealth in terms of time. The freedom to do what you want, when you want.
I recently came to a realization that there is another form of wealth that can be labeled as emotional or energetic. A question I was once asked that really stuck with me: “Does this person energize or drain you?”
I have had relationships with different people and realized some are incredibly wealthy energetically and others incredibly poor in this area. By this I don’t mean physical energy levels, or an optimist versus a pessimist. It’s a feeling one gets after spending some time with another person. They walk away feeling energized, positive and full. Rather than drained and depleted.
I had a friend who is materially wealthy, but I came to realize is emotionally or energetically poor. He is not in touch with his feelings, walks around angry at the world, and can be quite cynical. At one point in our friendship, I found myself drained of energy every time I was near him. And I realized that although he is materially wealthy, he is energetically and emotionally poor. But because I always thought of wealth in terms of money or time, I always considered him to be wealthy.
I contrasted this friend to another person in my life who is not materially wealthy. But I realized he is incredibly wealthy when it comes to energy. When we spend time together, I feel happy, energized and positive. This includes time spent together on difficult tasks or having uncomfortable conversations, so it’s not always a “fun” activity. He has the same effect on others in his life.
I reflected on this and realized that most of the people in my life are emotionally wealthy. When I am with them, I feel energized, happy, and loved. My cup is full. They include the fun, and the incredibly tough, moments in life. But when I am with them, I walk away feeling plus, rather than negative: emotionally, physically, psychologically. They are wealthy and that energy is mutual and shared, so it becomes an upward and positive spiral.
So when thinking about the people in your life, are you surrounded by people who are energetically and emotionally wealthy? Do they fill your cup? Are you yourself, an emotionally wealthy person? If not, what are some of the things you can do to change your mindset, outlook and baby steps you can incorporate to become more wealthy? If you are, how can you continue sharing that wealth and add your positive contribution to the world? Even if it’s not tangible or measurable?